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Staff Management Team

Maura McMahon – Principal

Maura McMahon is the Founder and Principal at Willow Park Montessori Nursery and comes with over 40 years’ experience with children caring and developing their young lives. Qualified in the Montessori Method and a former member of the NSPCC she brings with her a vast array of experience. Superintend of Inner London Education Authorities Play Centres for 20 years Maura set up Willow Park in 1992 in response to a demand for high quality childcare.

Christine Gray is the Operations Manager and a fully qualified Montessori teacher. Christine is also a registered Nurse and qualified Midwife. She has worked in a range of hospitals both in the UK and abroad and in recent years worked at the Queen Elizabeth maternity unit. She is a fantastic addition to the Nursery joining in 2012. Christine dedicates enormous energy to her Montessori teaching and supports Classroom 3 and the Montessori teaching.

Cherly Curd is the Deputy Manager. Cheryl has been with Willow Park for 11 years, getting her first post with the nursery and rising through the ranks to be appointed Deputy Manager in 2011. At present Cheryl works with the 2 year olds. She shows a tenderness that helps the young child to settle and her kind gentle manner helps to support the development of the child. . Cheryl is highly qualified and experienced member of staff.

Each classroom is lead by a Room Leader who is qualified to Level 3 in Childcare and supported by a Classroom Assistant who is qualified to Level 2.